OSAGE bv Apps

Fungal Pharmacology 3.0.0
Drug interactions occur when the effect of aparticular drug is altered after concomitant intake with anotherdrug. The interaction may increase or decrease the efficacy or sideeffects of either drug. The Fungal Pharmacology App is apeer-reviewed drug-interaction tool, which provides comprehensive,clinically useful, reliable, up-to-date and evidence based insightinto possible pharmacokinetic interactions between antifungal drugsand other prescription drugs, over the counter medicines andnatural products.The app is available free of charge. It has been developed bythe Fungal Pharmacology group at the Radboud University MedicalCenter, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Fungal Pharmacology 0.0.2
The Fungal Pharmacology App is a peer-reviewed drug-interactiontool.